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The Merits and Demerits of Two Koreas’ Simultaneous Admission to the United Nations (이신화, 고려대)


The Merits and Demerits of Two Koreas’ Simultaneous Admission to the United Nations

South Korea's Diplomatic Odyssey in Joining the United Nations (UN)


2021 marks the 30th anniversary of the simultaneous admission of two Koreas to full membership in the UN in 1991. In 1948, the UN recognized South Korea as the sole legitimate government on the Korean Peninsula. South Korea, which participated in the UN General Assembly that year as an observer, began its pursuit for UN membership in January of the following year. Following that, the South Korean government applied for membership eight times, five times by itself and three times by its allies, but it took 42 years to achieve the goal in 1991.

Admission into the UN as a member state requires approval from the five permanent members (U.S., Soviet Union, U.K., France, and China) and ten non-permanent members of the UN Security Council. According to the UN Charter, in order for UN Security council resolutions to be adopted, all permanent members must agree to the resolution. A number of resolutions recommending South Korea to be admitted to the UN as a member state or applications for reconsideration received support from many member states, but the Soviet Union stood in the way each time. Furthermore, when the People's Republic of China represented China instead of Taiwan in 1971, it became more challenging for South Korea to be admitted into the UN.

During the Cold War, divided countries attempted to gain international recognition, claiming that their government was the only legitimate government among its counterparts. Therefore, it waged all-out diplomatic warfare not only to join the UN, but also to prevent its counterpart from being admitted. However, President Park Chung-hee's "Special Statement on Foreign Policy for Peace and Reunification," also known as the June 23 Statement, in 1973, marked a significant shift in South Korea's policy of admission to the United Nations. The statement was announced a day after the Security Council passed the proposal for the simultaneous accession of East and West Germany to the UN. Article 5 of the statement stipulates that South Korea does not oppose simultaneous accession unless it becomes an impediment to reunification. However, Kim Il Sung criticized the statement, referring it as a “maneuver to divide Korea” and instead requested North Korea’s admission to the UN as the “Democratic Confederal Republic of Koryo.”

In 1975, the South Korean government requested the reconsideration of its application twice in the wake of South and North Vietnam's applications to join the UN. Nonetheless, the Security Council did consider the appeals. Out of eight applications to join the UN, four were rejected due to the Soviet Union veto and the remaining four were essentially rejected as the Security Council took no action.

Nevertheless, South Korea continued to persuade member states of the necessity of its membership and centered diplomatic efforts on creating favorable conditions for attaining membership, such as actively participating in various activities of the UN.



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