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2023 ACUNS 연례학술대회 참석 2023-08-29 410 |
2023년 6월 21일(수)부터 22일(목)까지 ACUNS에서 주관하는 유엔체제학회 연례회의가 개최되었습니다. 6월 21일(수)
(Roundtable) Asian
Perspectives on the Challenges of Making, Keeping, and Sustaining Global Peace
Dong-ju Choi | Sookmyung Women's University, KACUNS President (Korea) Wenli Hu | Director General of the United Nations Association of China (China) Tetsuya Yamada | Japan Association for United Nations Studies (JAUNS) and Nanzan University (Japan)
(KACUNS Session 1) Peace, the UN, and North Korea
"The Road to Change: Haven’t Human Rights in North Korean Been Changed?" Jiyoun Park | Jeonbuk National University "South-South Solidarity: The United Nations and Inter-Korean Competition in Africa" Tycho van der Hoog | African Studies Centre of Leiden University Suweon Kim | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.
Chair Heung-Soon Park | Sunmoon University, Former KACUNS President
Discussant Sabine Burghart | University of Turku Youngsoo Yu | University of North Korean Studies 6월 22일(목)
(KACUNS Session 2) Connected Approach to Peace
"An analysis of factors affecting teachers' decision to teach or not to teach Global Citizenship in Schools" Hwanbo Park | Chungnam National University
"Common or Differentiated Responsibility in Sustainable Development: From the Perspective of the Global South" Bo Kyung KIM | Seoul National
"Negotiating the Targets and Indicators that Measure Achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals" Roni Kay O’Dell | Seton Hill University
Chair Taekyoon Kim | Seoul National University
Discussant Hanah Zoo | Hallym University Sujung Nam | Yonsei University