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2022 ACUNS 연례학술대회 참석 2022-06-30 431 |
2022년 6월 23일(목)부터 25일(토)까지 ACUNS에서 주관하는 유엔체제학회 연례회의가 개최되었습니다. 연례회의에는 이신화 한국유엔체제학회장, 박흥순 前한국유엔체제학회장, 주재우 대외협력이사, 황지환 서울시립대 교수, 정구연 강원대학교 교수 등 우리 학회원들이 대표로 참석하였으며, 세부 내용은 다음과 같습니다. 6월 24일(금) (Roundtable)Asian Perspectives on The Role of the United Nations in Addressing Intensifying Global Challenges "Korean Perspectives on the UN Roles and Reforms in grappling with Global Challenges" (Korea) Shin-wha Lee | Korea University, KACUNS President Wenli Hu | Director General of the United Nations Association of China (China) Takahiro Shinyo | Japan Association for United Nations Studies (JAUNS) and Kwansei Gakuin University (Japan) Commentators Ai Kihara-Hunt | University of Tokyo (Japan) Kaisheng Li | Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) (China) Heung-Soon Park | Sun-Moon University (Korea) 6월 25일(토) (Panel)Nuclear Arsenals and Furthering Nuclear Disarmament "Discussions over nuclear disarmament at the United Nations General Assembly" Naoto Tsuzaki | Ritsumeikan University (Japan) "The Paradox of Pyongyang's Nuclear Deterrence Strategy" Jihwan Hwang | University of Seoul (Korea) "Striking a balance between strategic stability and reassurance" Kuyoun Chung | Kangwon National University (Korea) "Securing Our Sustainable Future: the Role of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for Nuclear Disarmament" Maiko Takeuchi | Waseda University (Japan) Chair Takahiro Shinyo | Japan Association for United Nations Studies (JAUNS) and Kwansei Gakuin University (Japan) Discussant Jaewoo Choo | Kyung Hee University (Korea) |